We at MagPortal hope you have a happy New Year's Day.
In this issue: You as a brand, watching the police, and a
review of technology news from 2007.
AskMen offers advice on making your name professionally.
Think of yourself as a product on a grocery store shelf: Do
you want to be a popular, sought-after brand like Kraft or
do you want to be a generic, lifeless brand? Make your name
professionally and you'll be that much closer to finding
similar: http://MagPortal.com/cgi/sim.cgi?w=325408
If governments and businesses can use surveillance to keep
an eye on us in public spaces, Popular Mechanics thinks we
ought to be able to look back.
similar: http://MagPortal.com/cgi/sim.cgi?w=324774
InternetNews reviews the highs and lows for technology in
2007, including technology's most shameful moment.
similar: http://MagPortal.com/cgi/sim.cgi?w=325384