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Location: Help / Custom Services & Advertising / Affiliate Program

60% per Sale
10% Second Tier
You can earn money with your website by joining our 2-tier affiliate program. As an affiliate, you display ads (that we supply) for our premium feed service on your website, and we pay you for the sales you generate. There is no cost to join.

We offer our affiliates 60% of the first quarter's fees (excluding setup fees) for a sale. Feed prices depend on the amount of data licensed. Sales are typically $125 (a $75 payout for you), but can be as much as $1500 in some cases.

You can also earn money by signing up additional affiliates. Our two-tier program offers you 10% of the amount earned by any affiliates that you bring to us. For example, if an affiliate that you bring to us earns $75 for bringing us a sale, you will get $7.50.

A lead occurs when a customer that clicks on the ad you display fills in a premium feed price request form within 30 days. For example, if someone clicks the ad but doesn't fill in the request form, you will still get credit if they return a week later and request a price. We will credit you for all sales (excluding self-referrals) that result from valid leads, regardless of how long the conversion from lead to sale takes (it can take weeks or months). We have put considerable effort into structuring our site so that you receive credit for all leads and sales that you generate.

Create your own affiliate program to promote your website:
Our affiliate program is administered by, a third-party affiliate network. Shareasale's Affiliate Service Agreement shall govern payment and other terms of the relationship. When this page was written, payments were issued monthly unless your commission from all affiliate programs in the network was below $50. If below $50, the balance would carry forward to the next month instead of payment being issued. Please review the full Affiliate Service Agreement for the most recent details. provides you with real-time statistics on your performance.

We absolutely do not tolerate spamming to generate leads/sales. We also do not accept affiliates that offer users incentives to respond to ads.

Click here to become a affiliate