Old Articles: <Older 521-530 Newer> |
National Defense January 2006 Sandra I. Erwin |
Complex Realities Lie Behind U.S. Rush to Train Iraqi Army It has become crystal clear that fielding a competent Iraqi Army is a tenet of the U.S. exit strategy. What is far less apparent is what exactly constitutes a competent Iraqi fighting force, and how long it will be before it can relieve American troops. |
National Defense January 2006 Harold Kennedy |
U.S. European Command Seeks to Deploy More Easily As NATO wrestles with issues of growth, the U.S. European Command, which supplies American forces to the alliance, is undergoing major changes of its own. |
National Defense January 2006 Abshire & Czerwinski |
With an Overstretched Military, U.S. Should Create `Home Guard' The U.S. presence in Iraq has in many ways made near-term gains in the war on terror more difficult and thrown America's homeland security into question. But a creative solution with roots reaching far back into American history may be the answer. |
Smithsonian January 2006 Michael Rosenwald |
The Flu Hunter For years, virologist Robert Webster has been warning of a global influenza outbreak. Now governments worldwide are finally listening to him. |
The Motley Fool December 13, 2005 W.D. Crotty |
Banana Wars Heating Up Fresh Del Monte favors the EU's banana tariffs, but several Central American countries protest. For now, investors would be wise to remember that Fresh Del Monte is in a commodity business, with the associated risks. |
ifeminists December 7, 2005 Carey Roberts |
The Truth About the World Health Organization and AIDS The AIDS programs at the World Health Organization are being held hostage by Leftist ideologues who care more about promoting no-fault sexual experimentation than actually stopping this deadly epidemic. |
Pharmaceutical Executive December 1, 2005 Sarah Houlton |
Global Report: Wanted: Attention Bird flu is number one on the media's agenda. But other diseases need better immunization, too. WHO estimates that in 2002, 2.1 million people died from diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines that WHO currently recommends. |
Reason December 2005 Jacob Sullum |
Poppy Flop According to the U.N., efforts to halt opium production in Afghanistan resulted in cutting the acreage devoted to poppies by one-fifth. Yet opium production is virtually unchanged, and the country still accounts for an estimated 87% of the world's heroin |
Reason December 2005 Kerry Howley |
Catfish Terror Thinly disguised protectionism: bureaucrats in Alabama and Louisiana have decided to ban Vietnamese catfish due to health risks. Entirely by coincidence, the two states are the largest producers of U.S. catfish -- and they've been losing ground to imports for a decade. |
Finance & Development December 1, 2005 Dilip Ratha |
Remittances: A Lifeline for Development Governments have often offered incentives to increase remittance flows and to channel them to productive uses. But such policies are more problematic than efforts to expand access to financial services or reduce transaction costs. |
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