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Magazine articles on environmental science and geology.
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Chemistry World
March 28, 2014
Mark Peplow
A war on smog Growing public concern over the state of the environment has forced Chinese officials to take action. And where chemistry has often been seen as the villain of the piece, it is now set to play a vital role in cleaning the country's air. mark for My Articles 97 similar articles
Chemistry World
March 14, 2014
Alan Scarlett
Oil in the environment: legacies and lessons of the Exxon Valdez oil spill In Oil in the Environment, John Wiens has skilfully edited contributions from the scientists involved in every aspect of research related to the spill. mark for My Articles 15 similar articles
Chemistry World
March 13, 2014
Emma Stoye
Piece of Earth's interior 'ocean' found in diamond A tiny crystal found in a diamond has confirmed predictions about a giant store of water deep in the Earth's mantle. mark for My Articles 59 similar articles
Chemistry World
February 28, 2014
Emma Stoye
Scientists blend standard air The first ever fully synthetic standard air, which can be used as a reference to calibrate atmospheric monitoring equipment, has been produced by researchers in the UK. mark for My Articles 123 similar articles
Chemistry World
February 26, 2014
Emma Stoye
Yellowstone spews out ancient helium Researchers have found that huge amounts of helium are being released through steam plumes in the US's Yellowstone National Park, having been stored in the Earth's crust for billions of years. mark for My Articles 18 similar articles
Chemistry World
February 20, 2014
Chris Rhodes
Peak oil is not a myth Fracking is at best a stop-gap measure. Conventional oil production is predicted to drop by over 50% in the next two decades and tight oil is unlikely to replace more than 6%. mark for My Articles 412 similar articles
Chemistry World
February 13, 2014
Simon Poulton
The Earth as a cradle for life This enjoyable book by Stacey and Hodgkinson takes a long-term view of Earth's development as a habitable planet, incorporating physical, chemical and biological processes on the early Earth, to the modern world. mark for My Articles 108 similar articles
Chemistry World
January 31, 2014
William Bergius
Fireworks and the spread of particulate matter A detailed study into on the spatiotemporal distribution of atmospheric pollutants arising from the wide scale use of fireworks has been carried out by scientists in China, with a view to highlighting related environmental and health concerns. mark for My Articles 16 similar articles
Chemistry World
January 23, 2014
Hepeng Jia
Pollution research sparks car control debate in China Research claiming that vehicles contribute tiny amounts to atmospheric particulate pollution in Beijing is causing the public to question government policy limiting car use, but attracting openly bitter criticism from experts. mark for My Articles 41 similar articles
Chemistry World
January 21, 2014
Peter Braesicke
Chemical modeling for air resources If you want to learn about the chemical composition of the atmosphere, this book by Jinyou Liang will be a useful companion. mark for My Articles 72 similar articles
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