Old Articles: <Older 151-160 Newer> |
ifeminists August 12, 2003 Wendy McElroy |
The Marriage Strike In examining reasons for the current decline of marriage, one question usually receives short shrift. Why are men reluctant to marry? |
ifeminists August 5, 2003 Wendy McElroy |
The Marriage Quagmire The institution of marriage is in jeopardy. But it's the politicians themselves constituting the threat. |
ifeminists July 8, 2003 Carey Roberts |
Lament of the Single Woman Radical feminists have succeeded in tilting the balance of marital power strongly in favor of women. And men, fearing that marriage may turn out to be a raw deal, have simply made other plans. |
ifeminists July 8, 2003 George Rolph |
A Sensible Definition of Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse is people hurting people, over time, for the purposes of controlling them. Unlike British Government minister Jack Straw's definition that "Domestic violence is men hitting women," this definition seems a little more thoughtful and intelligent. |
ifeminists July 1, 2003 Wendy McElroy |
In the Best Interest of the Children... A new legal term is creating debate across North America: the "rebuttable presumption of joint custody." It means family courts should presume that divorcing parents will equally share the legal and physical custody of children unless there is compelling reason to rule otherwise. |
ifeminists July 1, 2003 Glenn Sacks |
New Study, Case May Help California Children of Divorce Retain Bonds with Both Parents One of the greatest tragedies children of divorce in California face is the way courts allow custodial parents to move hundreds or even thousands of miles away after divorce, damaging or sometimes destroying the bonds between children and their noncustodial parents. That may change. |
Entrepreneur June 2003 Paul & Sarah Edwards |
Under Pressure Will your marriage survive both of you working at home? Yes, if you work on your communication skills, too. |
AskMen.com June 10, 2003 Douglas Cooney |
Why Do Divorce Laws Marginalize Men? It seems that no matter who you talk to these days, someone knows of a man who came out of a divorce robbed and humiliated. And there is no end to how harrowing such stories get. |
Reason June 2003 Cathy Young |
Gay Rights Go to Court Sodomy laws, same-sex marriage, and the future of homosexual rights |
CIO June 1, 2003 Julie Hanson |
Love Connection The ancients welcomed summer with nuptial odes to marriage goddess Juno in front of family and friends. Today's brides and grooms at A Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas can include far-flung friends and relatives in the festivities -- live, via a webcam. |
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